At Rockstone, our only concern is that you have none. That is why we are committed to providing plants and products of unparalleled quality, and why we provide our customers with as much information as possible about the origin and production conditions of our genetics.

The best CBD Europe has to offer!

To start your business or to give a second life to your business, don't hesitate to contact us to discuss with our teams about CBD Rockstone products, their quality, their effects and much more. We offer a wide range of products to cover a variety of price points and customer demands. Contact us for pricing and free samples!


Organically Grown, our Indoor in Switzerland and Our Greenhouse in Italy have no terpenoids added. We provide you with the best of CBD Flowers you can taste on the European Market and the best is that you can request us Free Samples for you to try!


The resin is the first CBD concentrate produced by man. Consumable in different ways and extracted from hemp plants, it has a higher CBD concentration than regular CBD Flowers. We have at Rockstone a variety of Hash and Pollen for you to try to cover a wide range of customer. Also available in samples !


Rockstone CBD is proud to present our exclusive selection of HHCPO and THCP products, derived from premium-quality CBD flower and resin. HHCPO, a novel and potent cannabinoid, offers a unique experience that stands out in the CBD market. THCP, on the other hand, is known for its remarkable purity and strength, providing an unparalleled experience for CBD enthusiasts. Both HHCPO and THCP are crafted with the utmost care and precision, ensuring that each product meets the highest standards of quality and efficacy. Whether you're seeking a new kind of relaxation or exploring the diverse effects of cannabinoids, our HHCPO and THCP offerings at Rockstone CBD are sure to exceed your expectations.